Frequently Asked Questions
Invisalign uses a series of removable, yet comfortable invisible aligners to straighten your teeth. It’s likely that no one will be able to tell that you are wearing braces, making it easier to smile during treatment. By using 3D computer imaging technology, we are able to show you what your teeth will look like throughout the stages that gradually moving them toward their ideal position. This technology has proven to be quite effective. West Kelowna Orthodontics are “Preferred Invisalign Providers” and have treated hundreds of patients with this new technology. BC by
Invisalign is the ideal choice for many individuals. The aligners are invisible and removable, making it easier for people to eat their regular foods during treatment. Also, keeping up with regular brushing and flossing maintenance is much easier with removable aligners. The aligners are also quite comfortable, having no metal, which can cause abrasions during treatment. Many patients are happy that their inner cheeks and lips are not affected as much as with traditional braces.
Since there are no metal wires being used in this type of treatment, generally this translates into less time needed for receiving adjustments. With Invisalign, patients are able to view their own treatment plans right from the beginning. Patients will have a full picture of how straight their teeth will be once they have completed the entire process.
Each set of Invisalign aligners will be worn for approximately 2 week periods. They are only to be removed to perform maintenance on your teeth or to eat and drink. Your teeth will move a tiny bit each week after you replace each aligner with the next one in the series. Eventually, your teeth will move into their final positions. To make sure that the treatment is progressing properly, most patients schedule a visit with their doctor every 6 weeks. The treatment time for Invisalign will usually last 9 to 15 months, while the number of aligners required may range from 18 – 30 aligners. We would be happy to discuss your Invisalign options. Call today to schedule a free consultation.